This is an upgraded vacuum-packed version of the Combat Survival Tin. This kit contain 6 additional items to the 'Combat' kit but is still small enough to fit in a pocket so that it can always be carried to assist you when you need it most. The tin can be used as a cooking container and is vacuum sealed to keep the contents safe and dry.
- Vinyl tape
- Button compass
- Knife
- Matches
- Pencil
- Purification tablets
- Snare wire
- Candle
- Fireball flint & striker
- Fishing kit
- Whistle
- Sewing kit
- Safety pins
- Wire saw
- Signal mirror
- Tin hanging handle
- Tinder
- Water bags
- Single edged razors
- Adhesive plasters
- Survival instructions
- Accident evaluation form
Size: 11 x 8 x 2.8cm (4.5” x 3 x 1”)
Weight: 260g